The Pandemic and Working Moms
The pandemic has had an impact on every sector of employment. However, no matter what area one looks at, it is clear that women, and specifically working mothers, have been impacted at a disproportionate rate.
When the world shut down a year ago, many working mothers found themselves trying to maintain their responsibilities for work while simultaneously caring for their children (and often facilitating online learning!) Mothers have taken a financial hit as a result of the pandemic, as they often needed to reduce their hours (or leave the workforce entirely!)
In general, many mothers feel like they are “expected to work like they don’t have children, and parent like they don’t need to work.” Working mothers hold themselves to a standard that is often unrealistic, independent of a global crisis.
According to The Women in the Workplace report by McKinsey & Company (2020), “No one is experiencing business as usual, but women—especially mothers, senior-level women and Black women—have faced distinct challenges. One in four women are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce due to Covid-19.”
At this point in the pandemic, many moms are feeling burned out and depleted. They have been carrying the burden of trying to prioritize everyone else’s needs, in both their personal lives and their professional lives, at the expense of their own well-being. It is time for moms to put their own “oxygen masks” on first, and take steps to take care of themselves- body, mind, and spirit!
Reaching out to a therapist who understands the unique issues that women and mothers are confronted with can be an important step in mitigating the long-term effects of the pandemic.